About project

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The project Time / Life is a responsive environment in the form of a four-staged interactive theatre. The installation operates within various design fields, such as interaction design and embodied interaction, moreover it is an absolute experimental work for an experience design of a theatrical genre.

The overall THEME of the project takes its starting point in postmodern condition (or more correctly the post postmodern). The sub-theme builds around this and operates with the identity of a single individual as it is distributed among a collection of almost an endless list of roles played in everyday life.

These various roles are undermined by a series of issues very important according to those difficulties that we are facing from day to day. Among other things here we see the relevance of fighting with being several places at the same time, fighting with time and time schedules, multitasking as our new and obligatory competence, satisfactory to all sides. We are aiming for being the good husband and wife, the good parent, daughter and son, boss of employees and other bosses, the colleague, the care-taker, the creative, the ambitious, beautiful, up-to-date, and the list goes on. In this game we are caught somewhere in a labyrinth-like system, where there is almost no place to the real us – if we at all are able to remember who we are.


In this project we wish to make a real-time theater in form of a performative responsive environment (includes interaction design and experience design). The narrative to be told works strongly around the above mentioned theme, and genre-wise we wish to develop a parody with a stronger social message between the lines. Audience participation is applied as part of the design – and forms the core of the piece. The Time / Life project aims for a unique multisensory experience of the users / audience, which is both exposed by a responsive system, interactive storytelling and the physical form.


Place: The project will be exhibited in Teater Nordkraft, Aalborg.

Date: Wednesday 16 May 2012

Time: from 18:00 to 22:00 (the installation will be running during this time, so visitors are welcome to join at any point ! )

Keywords: mini theatre, storytelling, parody, responsive environment, interaction design, embodied interaction, live installation, real-time, audience participation, roles, role overload, role conflict, time management, multitasking



Projektet Time / Life er et responsivt miljø i form af et fire-sceners interaktivt teater. Installationen bevæger sig indenfor forskellige designområder, såsom interaktionsdesign og oplevelsesdesign, og det er et yderst eksperimenterende værk indenfor teatrets verden.

Det overordnede TEMA tager udgangspunktet i det postmoderne (eller mere præcist i det post-postmoderne), hvor individets mange og mangfoldige roller er i fokus. Projektet arbejder med denne distribution af rollerne og konsekvensen af dette. Man kan genkende og gætter sig frem til situationer hvor ens mange roller støder sammen og ikke længere er i stand til at leve i harmoni. Begreber som multitasking og role overload dukker op og inviterer til eftertanke i dagens labyrintiske system, som vi allesammen lever i.


Vores ønske er at skabe et real-time teater i form af et performativt responsivt mini teater (med interaktive elementer og med design af oplevelser). Det fortalte narrativ bevæger sig stærkt omkring det overordnede tema, og er et parodi i sin genre – dog med et dybere socialt budskab mellem de imaginære linjer. Værket arbejder med publikumsinddragelse som et af de mest afgørende elementer. Projektet Time / Life stræber efter en unik og kompleks sanseoplevelse hos publikum med hjælp af det responsive system, den interaktive storytelling og værkets fysiske rammer.


Sted: Projektet bliver udstillet i Teater Nordkraft.

Dato: Onsdag d. 16. maj 2012

Tid: fra 18:00 til 22:00 (installationen er åben i hele tidsrummet og besøgende er velkomne til at deltage løbende ! )

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